Volume: 33 Issue: 2, 12/1/22

Year: 2022


Recreation Reviews

Gastronomy Reviews

Tourism History Reviews

Tourism Guide Reviews

Book Review

Event Notes



14. Yayın Dizini

Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research started its publication activities in January 1990 under the name “Anatolia: Journal of Tourism and Environment”. The journal includes theoretical, conceptual, empirical, and applied studies in the tourism field of tourism in Turkey (Turkiye?). The journal was published as a periodical with academic content between the years 1990 – 1997. The publication as a peer-reviewed journal started in 1997. The journal accepts academic papers on tourism and related subjects such as accommodation/hospitality, travel, and food and beverage management.

Each submitted paper is undertaken in a peer-review process by minimum two academic referees in the relevant field. The Statistics Editor may also be involved when deemed necessary. Authors are expected to respect "Publishing and Writing Rules” before submitting their manuscripts to the journal. In addition to academic research papers, Anatolia also includes various sections namely Research Notes on Recreation, Gastronomy, Tourism History, Tour Guiding and Selected Translation Articles, Conference Notes, and Tourism Research Projects which are edited by the academic experts in the relevant fields.

The journal is open for academic papers on the following subjects: Tourism, Hospitality/Hotel Management, Business Management, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, Economics, Management, Marketing, Sociology, Recreation, Leisure, Psychology, Geography, Communication, Environmental Engineering, Food Engineering, Finance, Accounting, Archaeology, History, Law, Planning, Anthropology, Political Sciences, Food and Beverage Services and Management, Sports, Education, Religion, Architecture, Public Administration, City Planning, Linguistics, Art History, Publicity, Women's Studies, Folklore, Econometrics, Industrial Engineering, Textile, Natural History, Statistics, Biology, Landscape Engineering, Public Health, Nutrition and Dietetics, Hydro-climatology, Environmental Design, International Relations, Health Administration, Family and Consumer Sciences, Finance, Hydrogeology, Physiotherapy, Interior Architecture, Computer Engineering, Home Economics, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Regional Studies, Museum Studies, Handicrafts, Interdisciplinary Studies (all papers should address tourism-related topics or issues).

Writing Rules
The publication policy of Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research is to contribute to the development of the academic literature by publishing applied or conceptual studies (meta-analysis, model propositions, case studies, discussions etc.). All the papers submitted to the journal are processed to the editorial review and published when accepted. Authors are recommended to respect the following writing rules for an efficient review process and an outstanding scientific quality of the journal.

PAPER REVIEW: Papers submitted to the journal are reviewed by minimum two referees. Papers are published after required revisions are undertaken based on the comments from reviewers. Papers that are written, prepared and submitted with reference to the required format and recommendations are processed.

PAPER SUBMISSION: The first and last names of the author(s), academic degree, contact information (phone and e-mail) will be added to the submission documents. Submitted paper should be an original work which has not been submitted elsewhere for publication.

Submission of conference papers: If a submitted paper was presented at a conference, the following rules are applicable: a) The text of the manuscript submitted to the journal should be different from the paper that was presented at a conference. b) Those aspects or parts differing from the presented paper should be declared. c) The manuscript of the presented paper should be added to the files submitted to the journal.

Other important remarks
Manuscript will be written as a single column.
Text will be written with left alignment and without left indent.
Numbering will not be used for headings. Main heading will be written uppercase and sub-headings will be title case (first capital).
Headings of the tables will be placed above and those of figures will be placed below the relevant exhibit.
Bold characters will not be used in tables and figures. Italic writing will be preferred for highlighting.
No color will be used in the tables (cells) and figures.
Bold characters will not be used in the text (but only in the headings). Italic writing will be preferred for highlighting.
In-text citations will be written with the name(s) of the author(s) and year in parenthesis without a comma in between.
In case of multiple citations in a parenthesis, references will be written in an order from the oldest to the recent.
Required font is Times New Roman 12 for the text and Arial Narrow 10 for tables and figures.
Comma is required as decimal separator.

TITLE OF THE PAPER: Authors should remember that readers familiarize with a paper through its title to explain its primary aim. Therefore, the title of a paper should reflect entirely the aim of the study and its content. The title should have an adequate length to include the content of the study with maximum eight words or 50 characters including spaces.

ABSTRACT: All the submitted papers will include an abstract in Turkish and English languages. As known, abstract pertains to the principal points to reflect a certain meaning in the shortest way possible. Abstract will be written in minimum 140 and maximum 150 words. This part should include the focus and aim of the study, methodology, data collection tool(s) and techniques, sampling, analysis and major findings.

KEYWORDS: As known, keywords and abstract are effective to facilitate the access to the papers in the indexes and databases. It is critical to select correct keywords in order to obtain rational results from the search on databases. Maximum six keywords are required for papers in the journal. Ordering of the keywords should follow those from the major discipline of the study to the more specific ones in the research. Geographic area/region should be stated as the last keyword.

INTRODUCTION: The aim of the introduction is to offer a situational analysis for the study. The aim of the study, process, parts and relevant opinions/discussions should be involved in a clear and holistic manner. This part should also address the focus of the study in addition to the rationale to conduct the research and the focus of following parts in the paper. This part may refer to the discussion of an existing problem, offering solution(s) to a problem, contributing to the literature with a specific subject. Introduction does not include literature review or research methodology and is limited to 500 words in total.

THEORY: This part may also be named as “matter” which refers to the theoretical framework the study is based on. Therefore, the field of the research focus is explicated. This part should include only the relevant literature and theories which justify the study. This part should not exceed 800 words in relation to the focused matter and field. Author(s) may also write theory and theoretical background content as a part of introduction.

THEORETICAL BACKGROUND: This part pertains to the prior research conducted with similar orientation. This part may also be named differently such as literature review. Prior research should be mentioned shortly with their scope, methodology and basic findings. Moreover, the contribution of the current study in the paper may also be presented here in relation to the prior research. This part should be complete with relevant research in the field in order to justify the contribution of the current study to the literature.

METHODOLOGY: This part refers to the explications on how the research was conducted to reveal the problem(s) or the solution(s) in respect for the above-mentioned content. The approach and the method utilized in the study should be described in a complete form. The reason for this orientation is to guide other researchers to conduct a similar study. Therefore, this part should be clear to reflect the repeatability and reliability of the study. Methodology also concerns the features of the population, data collection technique(s), the reason for the selection of this/those technique(s) including the advantages and disadvantages. The stages and content of data collection, compilation and analysis should be detailed as much as possible. If the study uses a field research, sampling method should be stated with the reasons for selection. Those details are not required if the study is a meta-analysis or conceptual research which includes only literature review. In addition, in case of research ethics committee approval, the details about this approval (name of the committee, date, number) should also be mentioned in this part and also in the first or last page of the paper.

ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS: Methodology part is followed by the explanations on the data analysis which is required for studies including data collection process. Conceptual studies may not include details of analysis. Therefore, remarks in this part concern studies which employ data analysis techniques applied on field research. Selection of the analysis, statistical tests, reliability intervals, reasons for the analysis techniques selected will be explained in this part in a paper. Those details are followed by the presentation of the findings obtained from the analysis process. Findings will be presented and evaluated in the order of hypotheses of the study and data is examined and interpreted in the light of predetermined hypotheses. The suitability of the findings to the hypotheses is also evaluated here. Findings of the study are exhibited in tables, graphs and figures or in combination of those. The results of the statistical tests are also mentioned in this part. While findings are interpreted, single, double or multiple tables are effective to present the results of the tests. Therefore, the paper will present clearly which tests were applied to what data in the research. Interpretation of findings should be organized in two stages including details of the sample group (demographic features) and details obtained from the research respectively. Findings, on the other hand, may be stated in one or multiple stages. Author(s) should consider to include adequate number of tables and figures with their explanations. Tables may be combined or eliminated in respect for the aim and focus of the study. General information is to be presented in a single table. The number of tables should not exceed four to five exhibits. If there is a necessity to exceed that limitation, journal editor will be contacted before the submission of the paper.

RESULTS: This part concerns the summary of findings and generalizations if needed. The content will start with a short reminder of the aim of the study and results in relation to the aim will be stated (for empirical studies). Statements should be short and to the point. Scientific contribution to the existing literature will also be mentioned in this part which should not exceed 400 words in total.

DISCUSSION: This part pertains to the explanations to shed light to the future research based on the findings of the current study. Those explanations involve emerging matters to research and critical points to consider for future research by potential researchers. This part is not mandatory but beneficial for other researchers who may study similar matters.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This part is effective for author(s) to mention their appreciation to individuals who supported or organizations which founded the research or provided data to study. This content will be placed at the end of the manuscript before the references.

OTHER REMARKS: The language of the paper should respect the Turkish grammar and writing rules in addition to an academic style and include reliable findings for a sound and rapid review process. If needed, author(s) should ask for help from other academicians. The maximum word count should be 5000 in the paper (main body, references, table and figures included). The manuscript should be written with Turkish words in respect for the concepts, definitions and expressions of the Turkish Language Association. If any foreign word which refers to a specific term or concept in the field, this word is to be written in a parenthesis.

REFERENCE AND CITATION: References should include only the sources that are cited in the manuscript. Author(s) should be careful to state the references addressed for the study not to have missing or excessive sources. References should be written in the alphabetical order according to the last names of the authors. Turkish and international sources including papers and books will be written as a single list with no separation or classification.

In the text: Last names of the authors and the publication year of the cited sources are written as follows:

Dener (1996) ...
Dener’e göre (1996), ....
Uysal ve Crompton (1985)....
Uysal and Crompton’a göre (1985), ....

In case of more than three authors, in-text citations will include only the last name of the first author and other authors will be mentioned with (vd / et al) as follows:

Timur vd. (2000) ....
Timur ve arkadaşları (2000) .....
(Timur vd. 2000). .....
(Timur ve arkadaşları 2000).

In case of multiple citations in the parenthesis, sources should be written in the order of publication year (from the oldest to the recent) as follows:

(Dener 1996; Uysal 1998; Morrison 2002) etc.

REFERENCE FORMAT: All the sources should be written with volume, issue and page numbers. The list of the sources will be placed at the end of the manuscript in the order according to the last names of the authors. The paper should include a range of 20 – 40 references. If the number of references will be lower or higher, the submitted paper will not be sent out to the review process.

Yücelt, U. ve Marcella, M. (1996). Services Marketing in the Lodging Industry: An Empirical Investigation, Journal of Travel Research, 34 (4): 32- 38.

Witt, E. S. ve Witt, C. A. (1992). Modelling and Forecasting in Tourism. Londra: Academic Press.

Book Chapters:
Uysal, M. ve Hagan, L. A. R. (1992). Motivations of Pleasure Travel and Tourism. İçinde; M. Khan, M. Olsen ve T. Var (Editörler) VNRs Encyclopedia of Hospitality and Tourism (ss. 798-810). New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Timur, A. (1978). Turizm Fiyat Enflasyon İlişkileri (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi). İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Fakültesi.

Internet References:
Electronic Reference Formats Recommended by the American Psychologica Association. (19 Kasım 1999). Washington DC: American Psychological Association, http://www.apa.org/journals/webref.html, Erişim tarihi: 13 Kasım 2016.

If other types of documents or content will be cited in the paper, rules in the Electronic Reference Formats Recommended by the American Psychological Association are applicable as stated in the following link: http://www.apa.org/journals/webref.html.

Other Remarks about References: a) If the paper involves a city, Turkish equivalence will be stated in the text (i. e. Londra instead of London). b) The edition number will also be written in Turkish (i.e. Birinci Baskı instead of First Edition). c) Book chapters will be stated using “içinde” instead of “in”. d) Please respect the other rules for citation and referencing.

TABLES, FIGURES, PHOTOGRAPHS: Appendices of the paper will be prepared carefully and stated in the text. Tables should be placed without citation to the main text and include titles of the columns in addition to the table title. Excessively long or large tables should be avoided. A submitted paper should include maximum five tables. Demographic tables will be included if required. Papers with exceeding number of tables will not be sent out to the review process. Figures and graphs should be simple and include titles.

CERTAIN ETHICAL ISSUES: Tourism field may also face the violation of ethical rules. Those cases on purpose or not may cause severe results for authors no matter if they are affiliated with an academic organization. For this reason, authors are expected to respect the ethical rules in relation to plagiarism, slicing, fabrication, manipulation, lack of mentioning the funds or support and author issues (conflict of interest, lack of authors, order of authors, intellectual right of authors etc.) for their papers to be submitted to Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research. Before submission, papers should be scanned with "iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software" and the report should be involved in to the submission documents. For editorial process, the maximum acceptable rate is 15% excluding references and citations.

AUTHOR(S) BIO AND PHOTOGRAPHS: Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research has been publishing the biographies and photographs of authors from the year 27 and number 1 issue. Authors will include their bio in the format given below and a high resolution photograph to their submission documents.

................................... Üniversitesi ……………… Fakültesi/Yüksekokulu’ndan (var ise bölüm de belirtilmeli) mezun oldu (YIL). Yüksek lisans derecesini ……………………. Üniversitesi’nden …………………………. dalından (YIL), doktora derecesini de ………………………. Üniversitesi’nden …………………. dalından aldı (YIL). ...................... Üniversitesi’nde çalışmaya başladı (YIL) (Üniversite dışında başka kurum veya kuruluşlarda çalışılmış ise, burada sırasıyla belirtilmeli). (Var ise) Doçentlik unvanını ……………………… alanında aldı (YIL). (Var ise) Profesörlüğe …………………… Üniversitesi’nde yükseltildi (YIL). Halen ………………………… Üniversitesi …………………………… Fakültesi/Yüksekokulu’nda görev yapmaktadır. Temel çalışma alanı/ları ………………….., ………………………’dır.

Publication and Ethical Principles of Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research

1. Journal title: Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research has been published since 1990 as an interdisciplinary scientific/academic journal focusing on the tourism field of research.
2. Frequency of publication: The journal is published twice a year, in June and December.
3. Type of publication: The journal is published in print and online (open access).
4. Publication language: The publication language of the journal is Turkish. In addition, each article contains an unconstructed abstract written in Turkish and English.
5. Number of articles in one issue: Each issue has seven peer-reviewed articles and additional papers such as reports, event notes and article translations.
6. Manuscript evaluation: The reviewers of at least two academicians are applied for a manuscript submitted to the journal.
7. Reviewer list: The list of academicians who act as referees for the manuscripts submitted to the journal is published in the last issue of each year.
8. Time given to the authors for revision: Thirty days are given to the authors for pre-check and correction requests of the reviewers. The manuscript gets rejected if the authors do not submit the revised manuscript within this period.
9. Compliance with the universal ethical rules: The journal management agrees to comply with the scientific and publishing ethical rules determined at the universal level.
10. Editor’s responsibilities: Editors accept the obligation to evaluate the articles proposed to the journal in terms of scientific content, regardless of the authors' ethnic origin, gender preference, nationality, religious belief, or political philosophy. A fair and impartial anonymous peer review process is provided to publish the submitted manuscripts. It is ensured that all information about the submitted manuscript is kept confidential until published. The editors declare that the content and quality of the accepted paper will contribute to the scientific development of the field of tourism. Editors agree to prevent any conflicts of interest or competition between authors and reviewers.
11. Author’s responsibilities: Authors should ensure the originality of the manuscripts they submit and declare that the manuscript has not been published anywhere, in any language, or has not been submitted to another journal. Copyrighted materials such as tables, figures or other contributing quotations in the journal are published with the existence of valid permissions and copyright approvals obtained by the authors. For the use of scales, questionnaires and photographs/visuals belonging to other researchers, authors must obtain permission from the developers/owners and upload the permission document(s) in addition to the manuscript file in the first stage of the submission. Authors should cite other authors, contributors, and relevant sources appropriately. Method and application information should be carefully explained in terms of "reproducibility" in applied studies and the subject and content of the manuscripts. The corresponding author undertakes the responsibility for the article on behalf of co-authors during the submission and publication processes. She/he is also responsible for informing the co-authors about the process and evaluations regarding the manuscript. It is assumed that the corresponding author has reached an agreement with the co-author(s) in the publication process.
12. Reviewer’s responsibilities: The reviewers are responsible for evaluating the manuscripts in terms of scientific content. The research should not have a conflict of interest or competition with the authors or sponsors. Comments and decisions of the reviewers must be objective. Reviewers need to highlight the references that the authors missed citing. They are also obliged to keep all information about the submitted manuscript confidential and notify the editor when they become aware of copyright violations and plagiarism. When a reviewer thinks that the content of a submitted manuscript is incompatible with her/his scientific field and experience, or in cases where she/he cannot make a quick and comprehensive evaluation, the reviewer should inform the editor and reject to review of the manuscript.
13. Publication fee: The management of Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research considers it against scientific ethics to request monetary payments for the articles published in the journal. Thus, we declare that there has been no such practice in the journal's thirty-year publication life, and it will not be after that as well.
14. Expertise in using the Turkish language: The journal management aims to contribute to the development of Turkish as a scientific language and expects the Turkish language and expression rules to be followed in the manuscripts submitted to the journal. Authors should use the common Turkish equivalents of concepts and words developed in foreign languages.
15. Publishing articles in subsequent issues: If an author recently published an article in the journal, she/he cannot publish a new paper in subsequent issues. A new article by the same author (even if it is joint work with different authors) can only be published in the fourth issue following the relevant issue.
16. Authorship in articles developed from graduate theses: In articles prepared based on master's or doctoral theses, the student and advisor(s) who prepared the thesis are accepted as the article's authors. However, suppose the student wants to prepare a solo-authored article based on the thesis. In that case, she/he is expected to receive a letter from the thesis advisor stating that the advisor has waived authorship and submitted it to the journal in the first stage of the manuscript submission process. This process also applies to the thesis advisor if she/he submits a solo-authored manuscript developed from the student’s thesis.
17. Author rank: The journal management expects that the authorship rights and author rank of a manuscript comply with standard rules applicable in the international arena. The thesis student is the first author of an article based on the graduate thesis. The thesis advisor is listed as the second author, and if any, the second advisor is the third author. Journal management is not a party to the conflicts about the authorship ranking after the article is published.
18. Withdrawal of the manuscript: Authors have the right to withdraw their manuscripts before the peer-review process starts. If the review process has started, no manuscript can be withdrawn until the first decision is received. Authors who withdraw their manuscripts twice within five years are blacklisted, and the manuscripts they submit later are not considered. If an ethical issue occurs after the manuscript is accepted and published, the article is retracted from publication.
19. Ethical standards: Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research adopts the ethical standards determined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
20. Ethics Committee Approval: In studies conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group discussion, observation, experiment, and interview techniques, approval obtained from an ethics committee should be submitted at the manuscript submission stage. Authors can answer TR Index's questions below to decide whether their research requires ethics committee approval:
1. Will your research involve human participants with or without their knowledge or consent at the time?
1.1. Will your research include animals?
2. Will your research expose anyone to physical or psychological harm, whether she/he is a participant or not?
3. Will you have access to personal information or data that allows you to identify individuals or companies’ confidential information?
4. Does your research pose a significant risk to the environment or society?
5. Are there any ethical issues raised by your research that require further ethical investigation?
If you answered 'yes' to any of the above questions, you must obtain an 'Ethics Committee Approval Certificate'.
21. Copyright: The copyright of the articles published in the journal belongs to Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research. The article cannot be published in another journal or language without the written permission of the journal management.
22. Priority right: In case of having the following issues, the manuscripts submitted to the journal are published with priority in the first issue following the date of the acceptance decision:
1) Articles such as criticism and error correction about an article published in the journal. However, for such articles to be considered, they must meet the conditions of scientific/academic content, feature, and format.
2) To encourage new and original topics; climate studies, the relations of tourism with the environment, interdisciplinary studies based on tourism, studies examining the relations of tourism with philosophy, sociology, psychology and anthropology, culinary culture, and supply-demand relations in tourism are primarily published.

The publication of papers in Anatolia is free.